Management board

The methods@manchester team is advised by a management board which meets twice a year.

Chair Emma Banister
Secretary Daniel Eales
Associate Dean for PGR Admos Chimhowu
Methods NW Director Stuart Shields
SOSS HoS Claire Alexander
PGR Director or School representatives Stefan Zagelmeyer (AMBS/ Director of PGR Research Training Programme)
PGR Director or School representatives TBC
PGR Director or School representatives Michele Berardi (SoSS)
PGR Director or School representatives Jenna Mittelmeier (SEED AD PGR Research Training)
Morgan Centre/NCRM Sophie Woodward
Cathy Marsh Institute Ed Fieldhouse
Centre for Digital Humanities, Cultures and Media Lukasz Szulc
Hums Research Office Aaron McGaughey
Civic/community engagement Susanne Martikke (GMCVO)
Researcher Development Amy Smith